Friday, August 28, 2009

A boy and his bug

Evan is learning to grab and hold onto things, including one of his favorite toys at the moment... a lady bug!

"First I shake it!"

"Then I use it as a punching bag so they know who's boss!"

"Next I give mom an ultra cute face..."

" I would like to thank the academy for this award...."

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hoodies with Ears

I just can't resist them!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Evan is Four Months!

This week Evan turned four months old. We weighed him last week and he was just over 12 pounds, so he has tripled in size since his birth, way to go! This past month he learned to flip over from front to back (he did this for the first time at Grandma and Grandpa Lavoie's), squeal and laugh out loud, say ah-goo, hold his head up continuously and bear weight on his legs. This past month Evan's hair-saga continued - having gone bald, and then recently re-growing blond (top) and brown (sides) hair. We're not quite sure which one is gonna stick yet :) Either way, our little boy is growing up before our very eyes!

Miracle Blanket

The Miracle Blanket (or baby straight-jacket) has been essential in Evan's transition from his bassinet to his crib in early August. He is a gratuitous arm-flailer and tends to wake himself up if not tightly bound. As you can see, he's pretty happy to be swaddled up. These days we swaddle him with one arm out and this seems to work very well. Thank you Sage for the suggestion!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cottage Country

We traveled up to North Bay in the beginning of August to visit Andrew's Dad and family. Evan did pretty well on the drive up, but always seems to have a major meltdown when we're driving through Toronto and there is no where to pull over, ack! Andrew has nerves of steel navigating the expressway with a wailing infant and a wife who's freaking out in the back seat of the car, I tell you! It was worth it, though - cottage country is extremely relaxing!

Aunt Katie spent a lot of time getting to know little Evan, while Mommy spent time with her nephew, Jacob jumping on the trampoline (no pics, sorry) and wading into the lake.

We also went for lots of walks, ate great food, and had fun riding the AVT.

As always, it was a super fun visit and we can't wait to travel up North again!