Evan has been a very happy boy these past few weeks, smiling and laughing for much of the time. Its been a parent's dream, let me tell you!
We had him weighed yesterday and he is 16 pounds, so it appears that our 5 and a half month old preemie is catching up to his full term peers. An average full term 6 month old is 17.6 pounds, so we are curious to see how well Evan will tip the scales in two weeks. Evan has transitioned fully to formula now - we had been weaning him very slowly since mid-August, knowing that time was running out as I had been flaring off and on with RA. I had a very crippling full blown flare last Wednesday and knew that it was time to get back on stronger medication ASAP. Last Friday was the last time Evan was nursed and I'm very sad to have had to say goodbye to such a wonderful bonding experience with my baby boy. On the bright side, I was really fortunate to give him the best nutrition he could have for the first 5 months. Now he needs a healthy mom with strong joints to take care of him. Fingers crossed (figuratively, for now :) that I start feeling better in a few weeks after the Enbrel kicks in!
Below is a video of a happy boy playing with his mommy.