Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jolly Jumper

We got Evan The *Original* Jolly Jumper because he is outgrowing his excersaucer. He wasn't too sure what to make of it at first, but once mommy helped him bounce a few times, he was on his way!

Here is a video of Evan's FIRST Jolly Jumper experience! What a jelly bean!

Speaking of jelly beans, Evan had his 9 month check-up this week. He weights 17lbs12oz, is growing symmetrically (head circumference, length, and weight), and has met all of his developmental milestones! Evan remains just barely inside the "normal" range on the growth chart - but we think he's doing marvelously! He's a great eater - chowing down banana chucks and Cheerios along with stained foods. His sleeping has also evened out - we read and applied the principles in Weissbluth's "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" last week to correct his habit of waking for night feedings (and staying awake). Now he sleeps for 12 consecutive hours and naps pretty well too!

The Hairbrush Sessions

Evan is REALLY into playing with his little blue hairbrush these days. Here is some post-bath hairbrush action with the little man.