Saturday, May 30, 2009

Amazing How Far We've Come

Just got these pics developed (they were taken with a disposable camera at the hospital - we didn't pack a camera because we were caught so off guard by Evan's early arrival). These are Evan's very first photos ever taken. He was under the Billi lights for a day having developed jaundice. Here he is about 3 days old. Looking at these pictures makes me amazed at how far Evan has truly come - what a little trooper!

Evan is Term Today!

We have been waiting a long time for today! This is the day that Evan was due to be born, so now we can consider him a "newborn" - with this milestone comes all the developmental skills that a newborn typically has - rooting reflexes, etc that we have come to appreciate very much. Today Evan is a full 6 weeks old and continues thrive at home. Our appointment with the lactation consultant on Thursday proved to be very effective and now that we have been consistently applying the tips at home little Evey is almost exclusively breastfeeding and only takes a bottle for his 1am feeding (thank you daddy for doing that feeding!). We are SO excited that his feeding transition has gone so smoothly. Here are some pics to mark the occasion - note his chubby little rolls! Yay!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a 7 Pounder!

We visited the Women's Wellness Centre in Brantford today for our appointment with our Lactation Consultant (LC). There, little Evan was measured on the scale to be a whopping 7 pounds! We were very excited! Our consultation also went very, very well. We have decided to take Evan off the bottle now that he is "term" as of May 30th. Because he was pre-term, Evan had difficuty breastfeeding (and we were also restricted from breastfeeding him more than twice a day because he was too weak to take much more than that). As a result, we were forced to rely on bottle feeding in order to get Evan out of the hospital sooner. Now that we have a strapping 7 pounder, however, Evan should be able to co-ordinate himself much better!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Bouncer - A Godsend

We were able to get a really functional and interactive bouncer from Sears the other day courtesy of the generous gift cards that we received from family and friends (THANK YOU!). As most parents know, the bouncer is a key piece in the arsenal of equipment needed to keep baby safe and content - particularly 30 minutes post-feeding when Daddy's arms are sore from holding baby Welsh, Jr. The bouncer came with an incredibly cool activity bar that Evan can play with and learn from when he gets a little bigger. For now we use the bouncer in the "lounger' setting - judging from the pic, I think Evan is pretty pleased with his new chair!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tummy time!

Evan has been putting in some time to work out his neck muscles on his floor exerciser (check out those traps)! He is able to raise his head pretty well now. Our pets like to use this time to venture up a little closer to our son to get a closer look and sniff at "the new guy who makes all that noise!" Of course, Evan also finds "tummy time" to be a great opportunity to sleep and make cute faces too. Thanks Nancy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A First Outing - Wilfrid Laurier University!

We took Evan for his first outing today, appropriately, to Laurier University where daddy and mommy work. It was a beautiful day to walk around campus and we've almost got packing the diaper bag and folding up the stoller down to a science. Evan got to meet many of our friends and colleagues who have been so incredibly supportive throughout our pregnancy and Evan's arrival. We're looking forward to bringing him back for a visit during convocation in June.

Monday, May 18, 2009

One Month Old Today!

Evan is one month old today and continues to thrive here at home. He is packing on the weight and fits (almost!) into the "newborn" size clothing that we have here for him. He's also big enough to safely hang out in his baby swing.

Last night we experienced the joy of "cluster-feeding", when the baby wants several feedings very close together (i.e., every 1-2hrs). This makes for a very cranky baby, a tired mommy and daddy, and a dazed dog in the morning. Nonetheless, cluster feeding is a sign the Evan is going through a growth spurt so we welcome the experience.

We plan to celebrate Evan's one month milestone by taking him out for a nice walk outside when it gets a little warmer this afternoon.

Evan sends out a big happy birthday to Grandpa who turns 60 today! We miss you from your visit already!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Meeting Grandpa

Evan met his grandpappy this past week while dad was in town to work..., er, I mean, visit! Here is a photo of their first meeting!


Friday, May 15, 2009

First Week Home

We have had quite a busy week having our son home and there have been many "firsts"! We have (almost!) adjusted to the night-time meals. Andrew has been very good at helping out with the early morning bottle-feeding while I try to get a few extra zzzzs. Evan enjoyed his first stroll around the block. He wasn't too sure about the stroller at first, however, once we got moving he really did seem to enjoy the gentle vibration of the stroller bumping along the sidewalk. He also used his swing for the first time but needs to get a little bigger to use it more regularly. Evan and mommy celebrated our first Mother’s Day this past weekend. As you can imagine, it was incredibly special. Andrew made breakfast (i.e., picked up some Egg McMuffins – yum!) and mommy received her favourite children’s book “I love you forever” by Robert Munch as well as a few other goodies.

Evan had his first doctor’s appointment on Monday. He weighed in at 5lbs 10oz and is now “on the charts for weight. He’s still off the charts for length but he’s getting there! We’ve noticed that Evan’s face changes a little every day as he puts on more weight – he’s developing a healthy pair of cheeks! The doctors said that Evan’s muscles were very strong – something we had noted over the past few days as he’s been lifting his head to look around his new house.

My dad “ aka Grandpa L” arrived on Tuesday to meet his grandson and to help us with some backyard projects. He has been certainly earning his keep helping us to assemble our new patio furniture and build our gazebo! Tuesday was particularly special because Andrew’s dad (aka Grandpa Welsh) met Evan for the first time on that day too! Grandpa L brought down the family bottle of scotch to toast the occasion. Both grandpa’s brought many wonderful gifts from our family and friends– we are blessed to have such a thoughtful and amazing family – THANK YOU!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Evan Comes Home

Our stay over was a success last night and Evan passed his car sear test with flying colours so our son was discharged from BGH just before noon and has finally come home! We are ecstatic!

His first car ride went well and Evan is already settling into a routine at home. He's eating well, had his first bath at home, and seems to like his little bassinet very much. He has also met all of our pets. Liam, our whippet, is especially interested in Evan and is staying very close to him today. It will be interesting to see how their relationship develops over the next few years!

A big thank you to the nursing staff at the Constant Care Nursery at BGH!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The "Stay Over"

After Andrew and I got in from some shopping there was a phone message waiting for us from the Constant Care Nursery at BGH. They wanted to know if I would like to do my "stay over" tonight. I said "YES!". So I packed up an overnight bag and prepared to spend my first night rooming in with Evan. They also asked us to bring a car seat so that Evan could do his car seat test where he is placed in the seat for 90 minutes and his saturation rates are monitored to make sure that they don't fall below a certain threshold.
This is all very exciting news. If all goes well Evan will be discharged from the hospital!

A Surprise for Daddy!

Well it had to happen sooner or later...! When Andrew and I went in to see Evan last night, Daddy was kind enough to offer to change Evan. About midway through the process, I heard Andrew cry out - Evan had torpedoed Andrew all over his hand, arm and fresh diaper. It was HYSTERICAL! The nurses said that they always get a kick out of Daddys getting hit like that for the first time...

I was still chuckling about that this morning when I went in to BGH extra early (8am) to see our little guy. He weighed in at 5lbs 3oz this am, did well nursing, and was supplemented by bottle. The nurses said that Evan *might* be able to come home at the end of this week. We're keeping positive that his feedings and growth will continue to improve!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"The Growers"

Little Evan is 5lbs 1oz this morning. Daddy came with mommy to the hospital this am to help feed the wee one. The nurses told us that for the second day in a row Evan had been impatiently waiting for his mom, so I'm going to re-adjust my schedule and come in 20 minutes earlier so that he's not waiting (and crying) so long - we need that energy for eating after all! One of Evan's first nurses at BGH just returned from a week long vacation and said that Evan looks great and has grown a lot since she's seen him last - it's nice to hear that he is improving! The other day during hospital rounds I heard a nurse refer to Evan and another little preemie as "growers", a term to describe low birth weight babys who have no medical complications, but just need to put on body fat.

Our dear friends Dan and Allison delivered a little boy yesterday, Grayden Joseph Daniel, who weighed in at just over 8lbs. Can't wait to set up a playdate for the boys when they get a little older!

Monday, May 4, 2009

5 Pounds, Baby!

Our little man weighed in at a whopping 5 pounds this morning! Woot! I think the nurses were as excited as I was when I saw his weight on his chart. Evan did very well nursing again today, getting 20 ccs this am, so we are going to increase to 3 times a day (8:30am, 2:30 pm & 8:30pm) and see how he does. We were limited to nursing only twice a day, you might recall, because it just consumes too many calories for a preemie to try any more than that. Here's hoping Evan is awake and alert this afternoon!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Went into the hospital at 8:30 am to find an alert and heartily crying wee boy. Evan weighed in at 4 pounds 14 ounces this morning. I changed him into his cute new `whale` themed outfit and then we nursed. Evan was able to get 15 ccs of milk this time before we supplemented the other 30 by bottle. Evan`s biggest hurdle with feeding is his propensity to fall asleep very quickly, but he seems more and more alert every day.
When I was burping him after his breakfast, Evan gave me a big smile and giggled. His first laugh was priceless and I`m sure there will be many more to come.
Andrew and I will be going into the hospital at 2pm this afternoon to give Evan a bath. This will be the first time that we will be able to give him one on our own (of course, under the watchful eyes of the nursing staff - they have been very helpful in giving us pointers).

A few hours later...

After buying Andrew his belated Birthday running shoes we headed back to the hospital get a lesson on bathing a newborn. Because mommy wasn't feeling well, the nurse did all the dirty work, so we'll have to wait until next time to try it on our own. Evan virtually gulped down his bottle this afternoon. Hopefully he'll be just as hungry when I return to nurse him this evening.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Another day at BGH

Evan had another great night last night, nursing for about 20 minutes (and getting about 5ccs of milk) and then taking a full bottle. He certainly is working very hard and needs to sleep a lot after these feedings to regain his energy. He also likes to chat a lot when he eats. This morning Evan weighed 4 pounds 12.5 ounces. Andrew and I recently re-discovered that there are 16 ounces in a pound, not 12 as we previously thought....who knew? At his current rate, Evan should make 5 pounds in a few days.

Andrew and I went in to visit Evan this afternoon. We took the opportunity to get a good look at his hair in the natural light coming through the window ... I can`t say for certain, but I think our boy might be a `ginger`... oh no!!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Nursing Success!

This morning Evan nursed 5 ccs of milk for the first time! His muscles are starting to get stronger now which is very exciting! He's still trying to figure out the breathing/swallowing sequence with the bottle (he is a VERY messy his dad!) but we're convinced he'll figure it out soon!

No More Feeding Tube! April 30th

Evan had his permanent feeding tube taken out today. We are working on nursing and bottle feeding and have to use a temporary tube still about 75% of the time to feed since Evan is still a very sleepy boy! Evan did really well tonight, was super alert, and finished a whole bottle on his own!

Transfer to Brantford General Hospital, April 24th

Evan was discharged on April 24rd to Brantford General Hospital. He has been here for the last few days and has hit some major milestones such as re-gaining his birth weight on April 24rd, moving to an open bassinet on April 29th, and starting bottle feeding on the same day. To celebrate, I went out and bought some preemie outfits at Sears so that he would have his own clothes to wear. Very cute!

Level 2 Nursery, McMaster University Hospital, April 22nd

Andrew and I were visiting Evan on the evening of April 22nd in the NICU when a nurse burst in and told us that Evan was being transferred to the Level 2 Nursery to make room for a new baby. We were amazed at how fast the nursing staff worked to get Evan packed up and moved down the hall to his new home.

This photo was taken the following morning, on April 23rd. Here you can see the Gavange tube used to feed milk to him directly. He became known for notoriously pulling out the tube on his own!

Evan's Story

Evan Andrew Robert was born 6 weeks early on April 18, 2009 at 7:22am at McMaster University Hospital (34 weeks gestational age). He weighed 4 pounds, 2.9 ounces.

How it all went down...

After my water broke on April 15th (while proctoring a final exam...good times) and regular contractions started later the next morning at 2am, we headed out to McMaster hospital. I was admitted around 5am on April 16th (Andrew's birthday). The doctor told us that I would be in hospital until the end of my pregnancy. I then received my first IV. The doctors did their best to stop the labour since we were more than 6 weeks early by using blood pressure medication. I started steroid injections right away to help mature the baby's lungs - this treatment takes 24 hours to be effective - so we knew we needed to hold on until April 18th.

I was moved to a nice private room and started antibiotics. Over the next 2 days labour started and stopped three times. Andrew came in during the day to spend time with me and do some marking. It was difficult to sleep at night because I could hear all the other ladies struggling during their labours - and I was left thinking "God, what I am I going to be like when that time comes for me?" Andrew bought me ear plugs after the first night after I shared this with him and I slept much more soundly.

When Andrew visited on April 17th I was allowed to have a Subway sandwich instead of hospital food. We got a TV and VCR (old school!) brought into our room and watched True Lies - a classic Schartzeneggar film. It was nice to get our minds off of things for a while. Earlier that day, my water conclusively broke and continued to break every few hours - a very strange experience.

Around 2am on April 18th, I requested an epidural after the contractions became too strong. I got a great 6 hours of sleep after that and was well rested for a busy morning ahead. When I woke up, I was pretty sure that delivery was imminent since the epidural wasn't masking the pain anymore (I have a new found respect for women who deliver naturally). Because I had sent Andrew home since we weren't sure when the baby was going to arrive, I called him and asked him to come to the hospital right away.

The third stage of labour started after I hung up the phone, and after 30 minutes, Evan was born and was whisked away for assessment. Andrew arrived about 10 minutes later to my room. I told him that the baby had been born and he was taken immediately to see Evan. Andrew came back to my room and let me know Evan was doing fine, and then the nurses brought Evan in so that I could hold him for a few minutes before he was taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

I was transferred to another private room on unit 4B (we were very lucky to get a private room since it's first come, first serve and let me tell you it was B-U-S-Y on the maternity ward). The nurses on this unit were incredibly caring and supportive. My nurse, Heather, got me set up with pumping right away and then Andrew wheeled me down to the NICU to see Evan.

Evan was placed in a cosy heated isolette in Pod A-9. To our relief, he didn't have any respiratory problems. His glucose levels were low, so he received an IV through his hand and resolved these levels within a day. He was also fitted with a feeding tube. The following day he developed mild jaundice and was placed under the Billi lights (photo-therapy) for a day. Evan was fitted with some eye protection that wrapped around his head like a cloth helmet. I put my hands in the isolette to comfort Evan when I went to visit him and noticed later that I had actually burnt the tops of my hands - these lights are powerful!

I was discharged on April 21st. I started driving into Hamilton and stayed at the hospital for 12 hours. There were a lot of resources for family - a private TV lounge, kitchen, pumping stations, phone, computer, you name it. I mostly worked in the uber large cafeteria to finish grading final exams and then visiting Evan every 3 hours on the threes (9am, 12, 3, 6, ect..).